Drenched By The Storms

Then Jesus told his disciples, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.

   - Matthew 16:24-25

Dear Church Family,

I just returned from walking our dog in the rain. He was soaked, and I had to towel him off in the garage before letting him inside. As he wriggled around, I wondered why drying off a dog always seems to wind them up. Nevertheless, we were both drenched, and it had to be done.

Now, I can already sense the question forming in your mind: Pastor Karl, why walk the dog in the rain? It’s California, after all—won’t the rain pass quickly?

Well, I didn’t start out walking in the rain. I also didn’t check the weather, but when we began, it was cool and crisp. Slowly, the mist turned into drizzle, and by the time we were twenty minutes in, it was pouring. At that point, I realized we had twenty more minutes to get back home in the rain. So, we became sopping wet, and I felt a bit foolish for not having read the signs. I think the crossing guard by our house thought the same, as she was prepared with a poncho, boots, and umbrella hat.

Are you ready for the Jesus part? Often, when we start our walk with Jesus, it seems wonderful. And it is. I’ve heard countless stories of how deciding to follow Jesus has changed lives. But it’s easy to forget the scripture when things are going smoothly. The disciples said yes to Jesus amid the excitement of a big catch of fish or a call from a rabbi when everyone else ignored them. They were thrilled and ready to do anything. However, you’ll notice Jesus didn’t start with, “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it,” as his recruitment slogan. No one would follow that.

Following Jesus is a journey with ups and downs. Being a disciple has more twists and turns than we might imagine or prefer. I didn’t plan to get soaked this morning, but that’s what happened. The disciples didn’t anticipate the challenges, but that’s what occurs when God asks us to share unconditional love, grace, and hope with a world not always interested in hearing it.

Friends, January was quite a month, and February looks like it may have its bumps as well (including predicted rain for the first day of our mission trip next week). But Jesus told us that when we take up our cross to “bring good news to the poor… proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free” (Luke 4:18), we too would have to let go of the calm in our lives and be ready for some rain.

Regardless of the storms, division, or chaos, we are called to be people of mercy and love. Sometimes that is really hard. And it's easy to feel drenched without hope. But Jesus didn’t say those who lose their life will lose it. He said, “Whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Living and proclaiming the gospel in a world overwhelmed by hate, chaos, and uncertainty is exactly the world Jesus called us to serve. He reminded us that the merciful and peacemakers are blessed and building the kingdom of God.

So, if you are feeling drenched by the storms, hold on. Hold onto the love of God and keep sharing it in all you do.

With God’s Peace,
Pastor Karl


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